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  • dc dc

    Madefire is partnering with DC Comics and changing the game for DC fans

    Madefire is looking to give DC comics the love it truly deserves on digital platforms.

  • designbro designbro

    Get a well-designed logo without burning your savings with DesignBro

    Having a logo with a nice quality and design used to be hard and expensive but now, with the arrival of...

  • planning apps planning apps

    5 planning apps to help you get more done

    There's a lot of planning apps out there, but a lot of them essentially do the same thing. Here's 5 planning...

  • uber uber

    Uber finally adds a feature that lets you request a ride for your friends

    Always have a friend who's nagging you to call an Uber for them? Well, you can finally do it without having...

  • stepes translator app stepes translator app

    Hire a translator when and where needed with an app called Stepes

    The world of translation is evolving and now, with Stepes, it is quite easy to hire your very own translator on...

  • snap map snap map

    Snapchat introduced a creepy new way to stalk your friends location

    Nothing is sacred.

  • sega sonic sega sonic

    SEGA is bringing a bunch of its old games back to mobile

    SEGA wants to rekindle your nostalgia with the addition of 5 games coming to your mobile device. The games are free...

  • FinalPrice app releases, uses a subscription-based service to save you money on travel

    With $4 million in funding, the subscription-based travel app is ready to save American travelers money on flights, hotels, and car...

  • Galaxy S8 Galaxy S8

    The mesmerizing overview on what happens every second in the mobile world

    We are all aware that the world of mobile technology moves at a fast pace, but not exactly comprehend the magnitude....

  • block twitter block twitter

    How to block access to Twitter for a certain amount of time

    Find yourself scrolling through the never-ending flow of tweets on Twitter? Take a break and install this app to help you...

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