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  • Hands Free tinder Hands Free tinder

    Soon all you will need is a heartbeat to find the perfect match on Tinder

    Swiping left or right for matches on Tinder is for suckers. This new app promises to use nothing but your heartbeat

  • Facebook Facebook

    Here’s an app that shows you which of your friends deleted you on Facebook

    Ever wonder who has deleted you on Facebook? Here's an app and browser extension that answers that question.

  • Minute app Minute app

    Meet Minute, the newly launched video app that cuts out the BS

    Love watching viral videos? Hate having to wait to watch the whole video instead of the original viral clip? Meet Minute,...

  • Drippler Drippler

    Drippler is an app that serves as your techie concierge

    Want to get the most out of your smartphone? Meet Drippler, an Android and iOS app that helps your phone work...

  • Intel launches an app that lets you control your PC from your smartphone

    Want the ability to control your PC from your couch? Well, Intel just released an app that is going to make...

  • Charlie launches on iOS to send automatic one-pagers on whoever you’re meeting

    Charlie is an app that connects to your calendar and an hour before any meeting sends you a detailed one-pager on...

  • Hound Hound

    Hound is Google and Apple’s biggest threat when it comes to voice search

    When it come to voice search, Apple and Google have a serious threat to compete with. Meet Hound.

  • NoPhoneZone in action NoPhoneZone in action

    Say no to your phone addiction with NoPhoneZone

    NoPhoneZone is a new app that helps you disconnect your mind by proving your worth via Twitter.

  • Outcast is the new live streaming app that lets you shoot in 15 second intervals

    Who has time for any live stream in general? Outcast is an app that records live streams in 15 second intervals.

  • Facebook Facebook

    22 Facebook tips guaranteed to give you a better experience

    Looking for some Facebook tips to help clean up your newsfeed? We have 22 tips here sure to give you the...

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