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  • setting your homepage setting your homepage

    Here’s how to set up your homepage on Edge, Firefox, and Chrome

    It's ridiculously easy and will only take minutes.

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    Here’s how to download all of your Instagram data right now

    It's actually ridiculously easy.

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    How to uninstall Kodi Repos

    Want to uninstall Kodi Repos but don't know how? We'll walk you throughout the whole process with our easy to follow...

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    Here’s how to use Gmail’s new Smart Compose feature

    It's actually very easy to do.

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    How to clear your Facebook search history

    Keep your searches private by just straight up deleting the data.

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    Here’s how to download all of your Facebook history

    What you do with this data is up to you.

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    How to remove recently used apps from your iPad dock

    While it's a great feature, it might not be for everyone. Here's how to remove the section.

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    How to reset your Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10

    Microsoft Edge not working correctly in Windows 10? The best solution is to reset it.

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    Here’s how you can create your own Alexa Skill Blueprints

    Skill Blueprints give everyone the ability to create their own custom actions for their Alexa-powered devices.

  • Pax 3 Pax 3

    Tips and tricks to get the most out of your Pax 3 portable vaporizer

    The Pax 3 is extremely easy to use, but there are still some things you can do to improve the experience.

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