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DOOM is now on all your favorite consoles, for some reason

It’s DOOM. On yet another device.

doom main screen
Image: id Software

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In an effort to add Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One to the ridiculous list of devices that play the original DOOM, including Roombas, a piano, and that graphing calculator you forgot you owned, Nerve has ported the 1993 id Software shooter and its sequels to modern consoles.

Bold move, calling it BNet with full knowledge that Battle.net is the top result for that name. Good luck defending that one in court, evil company that tries to copyright words like “scrolls” (Image: KnowTechie / Jacob Vander Ende)

Well, what I really mean is Bethesda owns this project, because for some godforsaken reason you need a Bethesda account and internet access to play a game that’s been out for 26 years and ported to everything from your blender to literally the fucking UI inside of Pokemon GO. They are at least changing that in a coming update.

 Hey, look, a bunch of text that not only do I not want to read but physically cannot read. (Image: KnowTechie / Jacob Vander Ende)

Beyond that, there was a debacle that’s since been covered up where the game said “trial version” in the bottom-right corner, suggesting that it was ported using an unlicensed copy of Unity. That’s a yikes from me.

But hey, at the end of the day it’s still the same old DOOM with woefully outdated graphics, infuriating hitboxes, and wickedly punishing health system. Now, there’s local multiplayer!

If you think that’s wild, watch a developer run Doom on a John Deere tractor.

What do you think? Plan on trying out Doom on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Jake is a writer and game designer in the suburbs of Philadelphia. He loves action, exploration, building, filling bars, and turning numbers into bigger numbers. Someday he'll release a video game.

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