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How brands are leveraging online meetings to create content

Conferencing services have become the new standard in connecting teams, families, and students/educators.

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Most brands will use some form of meeting software to conduct interviews, online meetings, and webinars. With today’s technology, using conferencing software is a convenient and simple way to connect with other organizations, team members, and potential candidates. HD audio and video provide a meeting experience akin to an in-person interaction.

Aside from bringing people and organizations together, online meeting software has begun to create a hub of creativity, generating content and providing a brainstorming session from anywhere in the world. Startups and Fortune 500 companies alike are utilizing meeting software to generate content; but how?

Today’s meeting tools are more advanced than ever, with high-definition video and audio, screen sharing capabilities, file sharing and storage, and collaboration tools.

Live video conferencing is on the rise, but what makes it so useful? We’ll dive deeper into the benefits of online meetings and how these tools are driving creativity.

Internal Content

Let’s take a closer look at how utilizing conference services can help organize, connect, and further unify your team internally through interactive technology training and team-building tools.

Interactive Technology Training

Training and team building can be extensive and exhaustive processes, but online meeting software is lifting some of the burden. A remote training program can be cost-effective for your business while still yielding positive results. Employees can be trained from the comforts of their own home or on-the-go, allowing for greater flexibility; especially in the case of remote workers.

Not to mention, travel time is eliminated, as well as travel costs. Business travel costs can mount quickly with flights, hotel stays, and basic needs. With flight and hotel costs expected to rise in the next few years, you could potentially save your company thousands by utilizing online meeting software for training, webinars, interviews, and more.

Online meeting software offers useful features that can help you with customers as well. With screen sharing and remote capabilities, you can digitally troubleshoot your products in real-time with ease. You’ll be able to connect with your customers via HD video and audio and have your technicians share the exact steps they’re taking on the screen with the caller. An interactive troubleshooting process will yield greater results and increase your customers’ trust in your brand.

Team Building

Hosting “chat rooms” for your employees via online meeting software offers a chance to replicate “water cooler” conversations; that is, the casual talks that once occurred in the break room or next to the office water cooler. Often, these casual conversations develop into thought-provoking discussions, which can lead to innovation and a healthier company culture.

Providing your team with a way to contact each other helps solidify company culture and ensure that everyone is communicating; a crucial factor in effective team building. With remote work becoming the staple of 2020, such technology is crucial for maintaining effective teams.

External Content

Conference calling services offer benefits that far exceed internal team-building and interactive technology. Hosting webinars and creating new and exciting video content can help spread your message far beyond the confines of the office.


Webinars offer a unique opportunity to present new information in a format that everyone can have access to. Often, conventions and conferences become inaccessible due to travel restrictions, lack of financial resources, and more; but webinars are simple, efficient, and cost-effective. You can easily host a webinar for hundreds of employees with online meeting software. Some software allows up to 1,000 participants! With recording tools, you can save your recorded webinar for later viewing, promotional materials, or lead generation.

Remember that appearance is everything when you’re hosting a webinar. You’ll want the production value to be as close to professional as possible, so as to provide the highest-quality viewing for your employees/partners.

Creating New Video Content

Video content is king, and this fact rings true in both professional and casual settings. YouTube is one of the world’s most visited websites, with thousands of hours of content being uploaded every day. In the business world, companies are finding that utilizing video content helps them not only reach their customers more effectively but also helps create and solidify long-lasting relationships with those clients.

There are hundreds of ways to utilize video content in your marketing and customer service strategies, but innovation is what drives success. Be creative with your content, and try things that other businesses aren’t doing. Have you ever tried a video sales letter? How about strategy brainstorming sessions with your team that turn ideas directly into new marketing materials?

Video content could be the key to increasing your conversion rate. So much can be said in a short video that can be lost in emails, paper ads, and billboards. After all, a picture says a thousand words.

Conferencing services provide a safe, affordable, and secure platform from which to increase your team’s productivity and more effectively reach your audience. Don’t be afraid to venture into new territory; test the limits of your conferencing software, explore new horizons, and engage both your team and your customers with your conferencing platform.


This year is the year of digital communication. With distance learning, working, and social distancing rules in place, conferencing services have become the new standard in connecting teams, families, and students/educators. Utilizing conferencing services in your brainstorming and team-building efforts ensures your team is connecting effectively, and can also help bridge the gap between you and your customers.

Host webinars and strategy sessions, training sessions, customer service calls, and more with conferencing services. It’s likely that once the pandemic is over, digital conferencing services will become the staple of communication between teams. Don’t get left behind!

jamie davidson Editor’s Note: Jamie Davidson is the Marketing Communications Manager for Vast Conference, a meeting solution providing HD-audio, video conferencing with screen sharing, and a mobile app to easily and reliably get work done

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