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Sony quietly revised the PS5 to fix one of its most annoying features

No, it’s not availability – it’s the stupid base stand.

playstation 5 ps5 consoles
Image: Sony

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You still can’t get one in most stores, but that hasn’t stopped Sony from releasing a new, tweaked version of the PlayStation 5 into Australian stores. As reported over the weekend by Press Start, the revised PS5 no longer needs a screwdriver to attach the stand.

Yes, one of the most irritating parts of the PlayStation 5 has been rectified. The new screws have a larger head, with a grip around the side so you can tighten it by hand. Both the Digital-only and Disc versions of the PS5 have received the tweak, changing their product numbers to CFI-1100B and CFI-1102A, respectively.

The digital-only version is also 300 grams (0.6lbs) lighter, a 7-percent reduction from the 3.9kg original weight. While Press Start couldn’t confirm that the revised Disc version also had the same weight reduction, it’s a fair assumption in their eyes.

It seems that the revised version of the PS5 is only available in Australia right now, but that could just mean that it took less time to ship the consoles over there and the rest of the world will be seeing them shortly. We haven’t seen any other reports, but then again, getting a new console is nearly impossible.

While we saw Sony register a new wireless module back in May, it’s not confirmed that this has been used in the new version that’s on Australian shelves. Maybe someone who has one will take it apart over the coming days and pull the model number off the wireless section.

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The changes on that new wireless module? A higher antenna gain when using 5GHz networks, and a slightly lower max gain on 2.4GHz networks. That might do wonders for the stability of the PS5’s networking when used in wireless mode.

If you’re wondering when you’ll finally be able to put another SSD in your PS5, you won’t have long to wait. Sony is beta testing the feature right now, so a public release can’t be that far away.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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