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    “Facebook Is a Weatherless World”

    Who's in control when you're inside Facebook - are we, or is Facebook?

  • Some guy sits all alone because he has no friends. All of them are on FB. Some guy sits all alone because he has no friends. All of them are on FB.

    The social media paradox: Is your online popularity making you lonely?

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    Brands are invading Twitter like there's no tomorrow. There's one brand on this list that should be working harder to be...

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    Sad Tweets makes your already sad Twitter stream sadder

    Think your Twitter stream is sad? Well it just got a whole lot sadder with Sad Tweets.

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    Facebook updates: how to look better-than-real in a world of fake

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    Why the Facebook Unfriending Cleanse is a bad idea

    Ever think about doing a cleanse of your Facebook friends? It might be a bad idea.

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