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Apple employee files sexual harassment complaint, gets fired two weeks later

The company claims the employee leaked “confidential, product-related information.”

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A couple of weeks ago, two Apple employees filed a complaint with the U.S. Labor Board, claiming that Apple, the company they worked for, was using coercion and retaliation tactics to silence them after speaking up about harassment and inequality in the workplace.

One of those employees, Ashley Gjøvik, was fired earlier this week after the company accused her of leaking “confidential, product-related information.”

Gjøvik was a program manager for the company and she had recently begun speaking publicly about how Apple ignoring her harassment complaints and subjecting her to hostile work conditions.

“I appreciate that Apple likes to post about human rights and social responsibility, but its actions don’t align with the words,” said Gjøvik in an interview with Gizmodo.

As for Apple, the company hasn’t come out and said anything regarding the situation, except that Gjøvik was fired for, “failing to cooperate during the investigation process.” In fact, the company told The Verge that it would not speak on any specific employee issues.

Gjøvik provided emails between herself and the company to Gizmodo, and they certainly don’t paint Apple in a good light. Gjøvik responded to Apple’s request for assistance in an “intellectual property” investigation with enthusiasm and respect, but she did request that all correspondence stays in writing, through email.

Apparently, the company didn’t like that and basically responded by suspending Gjøvik’s access to the company’s systems and ultimately firing her soon after.

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Staff writer at KnowTechie. Alex has two years of experience covering all things technology, from video games to electric cars. He's a gamer at heart, with a passion for first-person shooters and expansive RPGs. Shoot him an email at alex@knowtechie.com

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