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Check out the December Xbox Free Games With Gold

It’s a new month which means a new suite of Games with Gold courtesy of Microsoft. Are they worth downloading?

xbox games with gold

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It’s a new month, which means there is a brand new batch of games available for free with Microsoft’s Games with Gold program. As we do every month, let’s dive in and take a look to see if these games are worth trying to find space on your hard drive to play.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (XBOX 12/01-12/15)

A decent little hack n slash adventure that has been on PC for a good little bit. This is The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing’s console debut and it looks like they actually added a few little extras in as well. If you enjoyed Diablo style games, you’ll probably get a kick out of this one.

CastleStorm (360 12/01-12/15)

It’s a tower defense game with a few unique mechanics. While you have to dispatch your knights and warriors to combat the waves of enemies that will try to siege your castle, you also control a ballista that serves as an Angry Birds-like aspect to keeping enemies out of your castle. It’s a fun time killer, if not anything else.

Thief (XBOX One 12/16-1/15)

The Thief reboot was a solid game but seemed a little bit more supernatural than most people expected when it first came out. Not a horrible game and easily worth the time to play through, the game offers some really fun mechanics and still has one of the best jumpscares that I’ve seen in a game in quite a while.

Sacred 3 (360 12/16-12/31)

Wasted potential. That is the only thing I can really think of when I see this game. It offers a somewhat decent story but the gameplay itself is painfully vanilla and almost the entire game seems like a tutorial that is just about to unleash you. A lot of great ideas, sadly just executed in a way only Deep Silver can.

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (360 12/16-12/31)

A decent FPS game in a very similar vein as the popular ARMA series. Much more slower paced that your Call of Duty-type games, I really didn’t like this one when it first came out. Yeah, you can rig a battlefield to work to your advantage before a firefight, but I was never a big fan of slower paced action games.

There you have it, the Xbox One games for this round of Games with Gold are pretty good pickups, even CastleStorm isn’t a horrible game. Sacred 3 and Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, however, are much more dollar bin games that you’ll enjoy when there is absolutely nothing else to keep you busy.

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Longtime games journalist and Florida resident. I'm a Guinness World Record holder, wordsmith extraordinaire, MOBA fan, devoted dad and husband. I'm here to spread the gospel of video games.

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