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Can you buy a replacement controller for the Oculus Quest 2?

If you accidentally break an Oculus Quest 2 controller, can you buy another one?

oculus quest 2 controller
Image: KnowTechie

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Quick Answer: Yes, replacement controllers for the Oculus Quest 2 cost $74.99 each, and you can buy them directly from Meta or Amazon. Going the Amazon route is going to cost you extra than it would buying with Meta.

Meta Quest 2 Controllers

Looking for a replacement Meta/Oculus Quest controller? The Meta Store has them in stock right now. These typically sell out fast, so stock up while you can.

Check Availability See at Amazon
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One of the most important parts of your Oculus Quest 2 is the controllers. Without them, you’re just flailin’ around in the virtual abyss.

They control your interactions with games, apps, and other experiences, and gesture control helps with your immersion.

But beware- the intensity of the experience can be overwhelming, and before you know it, you might accidentally unleash some real-world damage on those precious controllers.

If this happens and you find yourself with a broken or damaged controller, you’ll need to figure out a solution, as the controllers are a major component of the VR headset.

Here’s what to know about getting a replacement controller for your Oculus Quest 2.

quest 2 controllers on a purple background

So, does Oculus sell replacement controllers for the Quest 2?

Short answer: Yes

Replacement controllers for the Oculus Quest 2 cost $74.95 each; ideally, you can get them directly from Meta.

Previously, Meta’s Quest store had displayed them as out of stock for months, leaving customers frustrated and disappointed.

But good news: the stock drought is finally over, and Meta has them stocked up for the foreseeable future.

quest 2 controller shop page

READ MORE: How to switch from a Facebook to Meta account on Quest

Oculus Quest 2 controller replacements are back

Thankfully, The Meta Store now has both the left and right controllers in stock, with delivery dates roughly a week from ordering time.

Meta Quest 2 Controllers

Looking for a replacement Meta/Oculus Quest controller? The Meta Store has them in stock right now. These typically sell out fast, so stock up while you can.

Check Availability See at Amazon
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oculus quest 2 controllers order page on purple background
Image: KnowTechie

They are also available from overcharging third-party sellers on Amazon, but we don’t recommend you do that unless it’s cheaper.

How much are Oculus controllers? Meta Quest 2 controllers normally run $74.99 a pop.

Previously, resellers were charging $200 when Meta had them out of stock, so you might as well buy a full Quest 2 headset pack for $299.

Meta Quest 2 Controllers

Looking for a replacement Meta/Oculus Quest controller? The Meta Store has them in stock right now. These typically sell out fast, so stock up while you can.

Check Availability See at Amazon
KnowTechie is supported by its audience, so if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale.

READ MORE: Does the Oculus Quest 2 have expandable storage?

If you get one from the Meta Quest store, you’ll want to ensure you’re on the correct ordering page for the replacement controller.

That’s because the controller that the Oculus Quest 2 uses isn’t quite the same as the one that came with the original Oculus Quest.

Don’t forget to unpair the old, broken controller (if possible) and manually pair the new replacement when it arrives.

One last note, while the controller for the Oculus Quest 2 is better for battery life than the one that shipped with the Rift CV1; they’re not as robust. 

The tracking ring at the top sticks out and isn’t the thickest plastic.

Maybe before you need a replacement controller, consider buying some silicone covers to cushion any inevitable knocks.

Editor’s recommendations:

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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