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Kandypens hits a home run with their latest K-Vape Micro-DX – Review

Kandypens added the K-Vape Micro-DX to their arsenal of herbal vaporizers. Does it pass KnowTechie standards? Read our full review here!

K-Vape Micro DX
Image: Kevin Raposo

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I’ll be honest, a while back I held back from publishing a review of the K-Vape from Kandypens because, frankly, I wasn’t happy with the product and felt the review I truly wanted to write wouldn’t help anyone. That, and the fact I was being lazy and didn’t feel like writing about something I had a horrible experience with.

So when Kandypens reached out to me offering a chance to review their latest herbal vaporizer, the K-Vape Micro-DX, I was hesitant, but decided to give it a shot. I wasn’t completely scorned by Kandypens, I recently reviewed the company’s Black Edition, which in my opinion and others alike, was a home run. I was willing to give them another chance.

Kandypens Micro K Vape

Anyways, after playing with the K-Vape Micro-DX for a couple of weeks, I found that it is a huge improvement compared to the unpleasant experience I had with the K-Vape. Although it’s not perfect, it definitely changed my outlook on the company’s line of herbal vaporizers.

Let’s dive in and see what this thing is all about.

In the box 

  • K-Vape Micro-DX herbal vaporizer
  • USB charging cable
  • Cleaning brush
  • Cleaning pick

First Impressions

Now remember, my first experience with Kandypen’s herbal vaporizers wasn’t really all that great, but I was willing to keep an open mind. However, when I took the device out of the box, one of the things I noticed immediately was the plastic mouthpiece, something I wasn’t a fan of with the original K-Vape (I’ll get to that later).


Putting the mouthpiece aside, the K-Vape Micro-DX is a huge improvement when it comes to design and size. Seriously, this thing is small, which is really important in the portable vaporizer spectrum. The digital OLED display is a nice touch too, something that was lacking in the original K-Vape. Overall, my first impressions of the device were good, other than the plastic mouthpiece.



Alright, this is where things get interesting. To give you the long story short, the K-Vape Micro-DX performs very well, a lot better than I expected. I’ll break it down below:

  • Interface – It’s really simple thanks to the OLED digital display. To turn it on, tap the power button rapidly five times in a row. The device has two buttons to adjust the oven’s heating temperature, making it really simple for anyone to use.  When the device has reached its ideal heating temperature, the word “warm” indicates that it’s ready to go. Super simple stuff.
  • Convection Oven – This sucker heats up really fast. I took the liberty of seeing how fast it took to heat up to 415 °F and I clocked it in at about 30 seconds. Definitely one of the fastest heating elements I’ve seen in a portable vaporizer. The oven is composed of anodized aluminum chamber, giving you about a .5 gram capacity.
  • Vape Quality & Flavor – So remember that plastic mouthpiece I mentioned earlier? Yea, it doesn’t really help the quality of the vape. One of things I hated most about the original K-Vape was the flavor of burning plastic that was left in your mouth after taking a hit, however, this wasn’t the case with the Vape Micro-DX. Although the flavor is a huge improvement over the K-Vape, Kandypens still has some work to do.
  • Battery – The units battery life is pretty impressive too. It can keep you vaping for about 3-4 hours, and with a micro USB charger, getting it back to life is no problem.

Final Verdict

This little sucker holds its weight when compared to some of the other heavy hitters currently available on the market. It’s simple, small, and doesn’t take a rocket scientist to use it. Just when I thought Kandypen’s line of herbal vaporizers were flaming pieces of garbage, the company really turned my opinion around with the Micro-DX.

The Micro-DX sells for $199 on Kandypen’s website, but the company is offering KnowTechie readers a special sale of $145 (use coupon code:REAFR25), along with a 20% coupon on The unit comes with a lifetime warranty.


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Kevin is KnowTechie's founder and executive editor. With over 15 years of blogging experience in the tech industry, Kevin has transformed what was once a passion project into a full-blown tech news publication. Shoot him an email at

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