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Review: ODRVM 1080p Underwater Action Cam

For a camera that’s $50, comes with a buttload of accessories, and does what it says…it’s an easy buy.

Image: Amanda Zelauskas / KnowTechie

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[letsreviewunique pros_title=”The Good” pros=”Incredible footage for $50,Numerous assessories to choose and play with,WiFi; Camera to App ability works quite well,Light and sturdy” cons_title=”The Bad” cons=”No SD card with initial package,Battery case on bottom is small are hard to open,Microphose is virtually useless” accent=”#911d9c” final_score=”80″ format=”2″ skin=”1″ animation=”1″ design=”1″][/letsreviewunique]

It wasn’t until the past year or so that I got into photography. I’ve been enjoying it a lot as I’ve been exploring different functions my Samsung NX3000 holds, but I have been looking for something that is more versatile. I really don’t like toting around a $500+ camera through the woods where all I can think about is tripping and cracking the lens. Enter, ODRVM’s 1080p underwater action cam.

I wasn’t looking to dump money into an expensive GoPro set up if the product wasn’t something I wanted or needed. I don’t necessarily need the best, but if a product can balance affordability and functionality, then I am game.

I am not the most adventurous person, in fact, most of my day is spent in front of a computer. When I get a day off, I enjoy going somewhere nice and quiet while having a bit of adventure. For this reason, I knew an action camera would fit my needs perfectly. It so happened that I landed the opportunity to review the ODRVM 1080p underwater action camera, and so I was off on an adventure to primary and test its limits. I’ve never used an action camera before, so I knew this was going to be a fun experience.

action cam

Image: Amanda Zelauskas / KnowTechie

The first thing I did once unboxing the ODRVM was look through all the pieces. This kit came with every attachable accessory you can think of from a wrist strap to bike handlebar mounts. Usually, you have to shell out extra money for the attachments, so this was a great first impression. The camera also comes with two batteries, an additional waterproof screen attachment, security wire, lens wipe, and a bunch more pictured above. Of all things to not be included in this kit is an SD card, which is mandatory to use the camera in the first place.

Truthfully, I would have happily gone without some of the attachments to receive an SD card. At least give us a card that lets us test it. I was lucky enough to be able to use my SD card from my main camera.

Taking the camera out and testing it for the first time was surprisingly easy. I took it into my front yard and recorded some video. With the wide angle, it’s great for action shots. For those who are looking to mount this on a bike, kayak, helmet, or anything else that requires no hand action, this will capture everything. For a camera that costs less than $100, I was very impressed.

action cam

Image: Amanda Zelauskas / KnowTechie

The video was clear, you can see details that you wouldn’t expect to be picked up, and there was no skipping from impact. Some cameras skip a few frame upon impact, but not ODRVM’s. I can’t speak for their other products, but I can for the 1080p underwater action camera, about an hour in I was impressed. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take the camera underwater as it currently falls under about 60 degrees in New Jersey. I watched some videos online of other reviewers and journalists testing it out in pools, lakes, and other environments to see how it looked. I was still impressed. I did stick the camera in my sink as it was full of water, and it worked after 30 seconds of total submersion.

ODRVM’s 1080p underwater camera also has another feature tucked nicely into its sleeve; it works with Wi-Fi and has its own mobile app. The app works on both iOS and Android and can be useful for content creators. It connects the two via Wi-Fi and allows you to see a live feed, videos, and pictures that are stored on the camera, as well as tweaking camera settings. Personally, I have no use for these features, but it is cool none-the-less. Again, for a price point of less than $100, and having a Wi-Fi function that works, ODRVM keeps on selling to a committed buyer.

YouTube video

There are a few complaints I have with the ODRVM’s action cam, but they pale in comparison to what its pros are. Not including an SD card is a negative, however, most bundle packs online come with one or a few. I was given this as a review unit so I will let this one slide. If you are looking to pick this up, have an SD card ready, or pick one up.

The other issue I had was the pin-hole mic. I know that the main purpose of an action camera is to pick up the action, visually, but sound enhances each experience. No matter if you land that perfect backflip you have been working on for months, or you wipe out, the sound should pick up. Because of how shallow and small the pin-hole mic is, the sound often sounds flat and muffled. If you are going to use this camera, be sure you have some music in the background.

Overall with my first experience with an action camera, I was really impressed. The camera is 100% waterproof, picks up impressive footage and pictures, and has attachments for days. No matter where I am going, I take this with me. Unless I need to capture footage that has better quality, or I am going out into the wild, I prefer my ODRVM. I know it can survive underwater, can outlast a drop, and provides beautiful footage. What else can you ask for in an action camera?

A sample unit was provided to KnowTechie for the purpose of this review. 

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Amanda is a freelance journalist who enjoys naps way too much. I fell in love with video games when I bought my N64 and Goldeneye 007 with my birthday money... it's safe to say that birthday was epic. Let's chat!

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