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The ultimate vape pen buying guide

Have you ever held back from buying a vape pen because you weren’t exactly sure what to get? This guide should answer all of your questions.

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There’s no denying the recent popularity and growth of the use of vape pens. Whether you choose to vape as a means of quitting smoking, or simply out of enjoyment for the taste or feel, vaping has certainly caught on.

However, with all of the tech and customization, it can be tough for starters to know exactly what they want in their ideal vape pen. Many people see the idea of vape pens as intimidating, and with all of the mechanical parts involved, will give up before making the decision to invest in a vape pen.

This can be especially true for anyone making the switch from traditional cigarettes to a vape pen, since lighting a cigarette can seem pretty simple compared to loading and operating a vape.

If you don’t know the difference between a clearomizer and a thermometer, don’t fret! VaportownUSA put together this rock-solid guide to vape pens, covering all the elements to the experience to make your next vape pen purchase easy.

Check out the infographic below to find out about the difference between clearomizers, convection vaporizers, atomizers, and cartomizers, the advantages to different types of liquids, and the choices of mouthpiece styles. Customizing your vape pen can be everything for getting the perfect vaping experience. And as always, don’t forget to load up on your favorite e-juices from our good friends at

Do you have a vape pen? What kind of gear are you rocking? Share it in the comments!

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Kevin is KnowTechie's founder and executive editor. With over 15 years of blogging experience in the tech industry, Kevin has transformed what was once a passion project into a full-blown tech news publication. Shoot him an email at

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