This may be the most bad ass drone footage ever captured
If you’re into gnarly drone videos, this drone footage from Brain Farm may be the best you have ever seen.

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The quality of drone videos these days just keep getting better and better. Take for instance the team over at Brain Farm, an entertainment and production company that rigged a 15 pound Phantom Flex4k high-speed digital camera onto a bad ass Aerigon drone. If you haven’t heard of Aerigon, don’t worry, these are the types of drones typically reserved for the “not fucking around” crew.
Brian Farm (Get it? Brain/Brian), who is indeed not messing around, wanted a way to capture some of the most intense drone footage possible. Unfortunately, his Aerigon drone could not withstand the weight of the Phantom Flex4k high-speed camera out of the box, so Farm and his team hacked the drone so it could output more power and tinkered with the Aerigon Gimbal to support the camera when flown in different angles.
Their hard work paid off and they were able to lift off with camera in tow. The result was some of the most amazing drone footage ever captured.

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