7 reasons for your business to make the switch to VOIP technology
We’ll explain in depth exactly what VoIP can do to improve your business from top to bottom.

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The business world is always changing, and keeping up with shifting trends is the best way to make sure you have a fighting chance of succeeding. By getting on board with evolving business technology like VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, you can prepare your business for the future.
But how does VoIP technology help your business? We’ll explain in depth exactly what VoIP can do to improve your business from top to bottom, including the convenience, flexibility, and professionalism you can achieve by installing today.
Since the internet’s inception, it’s been all about convenience. Ordering food, talking with friends, even banking transactions have been made easier than ever thanks to the world wide web. So why wouldn’t you utilize that convenience when it comes to your phone lines?
VoIP technology offers you an unimaginable number of features compared to landlines. From automated messages and voicemail to menu options and virtual assistants, the functionality is virtually limitless when stacked up against landlines, and it’s not even close. Simply put, you can do a whole lot more from the comfort of your office with VoIP than you can with any other phone system.
At the root of most business decisions is one question: “Can it save us money?” When it comes to VoIP, the numbers are decidedly in favor of signing up. According to statistics, businesses can save up to 75% on communication costs through VoIP technology, which is nothing if not a notable amount.
How exactly does VoIP save you money? Let us count the ways! For one, VoIP hardware, which rarely runs you more than a few hundred bucks, is way more affordable than installing in-house phone system hardware, which can be as expensive as $20,000. Additionally, VoIP technology is easier to manage, which will save you money on maintenance costs down the road, which can get pretty high with in-house servers.
Now, if you’re a believer in the phrase “time is money,” then VoIP is an even better saving option for you. Between the 32 minutes of call time per day saved by the technology, and the countless work hours you’ll save thanks to the comprehensive technology, it’s worth investing in just for the improvement in productivity.
With the world in such an uncertain place right now, the ability to pivot and adapt to new environments is incredibly valuable for any business. Fielding calls is just an answer-and-connect system. Depending on the VoIP provider you go with and the product you purchase, you could have access to virtual assistants that field calls for you, so you don’t even need to be in the office to man the phones. And as everyone knows, flexibility leads to productivity; a 20% bump in productivity, to be specific.
With VoIP technology installed at your business, not only will you be able to seamlessly field calls, you’ll also be able to connect work phone lines to mobile devices, so your employees can speak with potential customers on the move. Even better, the functionality extends beyond making calls, giving your employees the flexibility to check voicemail and connect with coworkers while on-the-go.
Being reliable is one of the best ways to attract and retain customers as a growing business. Unlike landlines, VoIP technology connects you to clients, customers, and coworkers through the internet rather than through a tattered phone line, which gives you significantly clearer audio quality across the board.
You can’t say it any other way. Fewer dropped calls and less annoying feedback on the line leads to improved customer satisfaction, and everyone knows that leads to a successful business.
Whether you’re just starting out or well-established in your industry, businesses need to grow. You need to hire more employees, attract new customers, and prepare your business for the growing pains that come along with it. That’s where VoIP comes in handy.
Unlike traditional landline systems, a VoIP solution is built to scale with your company. You can add more phones, increase bandwidth, and add features to your setup easily, without requiring additional maintenance in your office. Depending on who your provider is, scaling your business could be as easy as a single click of a computer mouse, which is exactly the kind of convenience you’re looking for.
To be a successful business you have to act like a successful business, and successful businesses don’t answer their primary phone lines with “Hello?” In fact, most successful businesses don’t answer their own phones at all, because they have a helpful virtual assistant that guides callers to where they’re trying to go. With a VoIP phone system, you could be one of these successful businesses.
Once you install a VoIP phone system, customers won’t be bounced around different lines or bombarded with conflicting messages about availability. Instead, they’ll be seamlessly provided with options that fit their needs, making a good impression on future return customers. And considering chatbots are expected to drive 95% of customer interactions by 2025, it’s safe to say getting in on this trend is important.
A team that works together stays together, and VoIP technology promotes collaboration in spades. For one, it allows your coworkers to be instantly connected with everyone on the team with the click of a button. The directory features in VoIP software are typically quite robust, and some even offer video chat functionality so that you can really get to know each other.
Additionally, with VoIP mobile capabilities, being in the office is no longer the only way to collaborate with your team. Whether they’re out in the field or just away from their desk, you’ll be able to communicate with your coworkers in an instant thanks to the comprehensive nature of VoIP technology.
Editor’s Note: Aimee is a writer at Expert Market, a leading B2B comparison site. She is the resident telephone systems, point of sale, and field service software go-to. When she’s not writing about the intricacies of VoIP and EPOS, she’s usually wishing that she could teleport herself to her favorite ski resort.
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