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/ 10 years agoYou can now use Facebook Messenger without a Facebook account
The days of having a Facebook account to sign up for Facebook Messenger are over thanks to this recent news. Read...
/ 10 years agoLenovo announces a $130 PC stick that connects to any display via HDMI
Need a PC but without all the clutter? Lenovo just released a PC in a stick for $140
/ 10 years agoFor some reason, Lexus built a real hoverboard
Remember the hoverboard from Back to the Future? Lexus, the car company, built one and they plan to release it to...
/ 10 years agoFirst-person-view drone racing is real and it’s totally bad-ass
Drone racing is a spectacular sport and one of the hardest to try. Check out this video of a race in...
/ 10 years agoEternify is a punky Spotify hack that puts money in your favorite bands pockets
Want to help you favorite band get paid more on Spotify? Eternify tricks Spotify into paying your favorite band