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Forget Spotify Wrapped, this website will shame you for your music tastes

I need to reevaluate my life.

judge my spotify robot
Image: The Pudding

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Look, you have bad music tastes. Spotify Wrapped tries to make you feel better about them, but rest assured, your music tastes are shit. Don’t worry, we are all in the same boat.

If you need a reality check into just how bad your tastes are, Judge My Spotify (thanks, Kelsey!) will let you connect your Spotify account all in an effort to roast the ever-loving hell out of you.

The web app is powered by The Pudding and is simple enough to use. Simply connect your Spotify or Apple Music account, let it scan your music, answer some tough questions, and wait for your results.

It will ask impossibly tough questions, including a “Fuck, Marry, Kill” between three artists. I got Machine Gun Kelly, Bring Me The Horizon, and Phoebe Bridgers. No, I will not be telling you what I chose.

spotify wrapped pudding
Image: KnowTechie

It will then take your answers and brutally rip you to shreds. It called me out for my feelings about my dad before roasting me about wearing Carhartt at my desk job. And, possibly most ironically, it called me out for my non-degree in writing.

Anyways, just do it. Go get roasted about your music tastes and join me in this pain.

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Former KnowTechie editor.

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