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If you haven’t noticed, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has dropped another update to the free-to-play Warzone game. This update added battle royale solos mode to the game, which means that I no longer have to play by myself against squads. It’s been an interesting day or so of playing solo, after playing solo.
When I played against squads by myself (just select no fill and it will let you be a squad by yourself) there was a heightened excitement to the game and I had to be a bit more tactical. Taking out one player is one thing, taking out an entire squad is another. Usually, I’d rely on some trickery and sneaking about. One time I was just riding on the go-kart track on an ATV and lulled an enemy team into a daze apparently because I steamrolled all three.
So far my best finishes on solo mode are no better than my best finishes on squads
I’ve had a few top-five finishes (third, fourth) but mostly finish in the top 10 or 20. I apply my same style of Fortnite gameplay to Warzone. Try to not drop in with the crowd, move slow and with cover and only engage when necessary. For some, this can be boring, but if you are looking for a high XP reward at the end of the match, finishing the top 10 is integral to that.
The first match I ended up in the gulag right away as I landed by someone else and lost track of them. They popped me from behind. I was parachuting back in within minutes. The gulag is not something a lot of new Call of Duty players are used to, having not playing 1v1 Gunfight at all. The only time I lose in the gulag is when the weapon is a Magnum as my aim is terrible with that gun.

Image: Activision
I ended up finishing third in that first match with only three kills. It’s not a game of free-for-all or team deathmatch. It’s a survival game. So while many players are content to simply drop in and engage, the key to victory is patience and finding the high ground. I find that often the gas circle closes in on a space that leaves players out in the open without cover, so that they are forced to engage.
One of my other strategies that might not align with your style of play is hiding out until that first loadout drop, then making a run for it (while still checking corners) and grabbing my preferred loadout. My loadout includes proximity mines, which are great for the inevitable engagements that come with under 20 players left. Sure, follow me into this room and boom. Gotcha.
I have also noticed that driving around and running over other players is more effective in solos than in squads
This is likely because if someone decides to shoot at you while you are in a truck they are just one player shooting at you and often give away their position to others so they are then being shot at. I spent one match literally driving around downtown in a circle, getting shot at (and missed) until I was in the top ten.

Image: Activision
Another match I was in the top five when I encountered two players shooting at each other from tree cover. I took out one, then the other started shooting at me (naturally). I found cover, then we both got picked off by someone who was sucking gas on a rooftop. The risk was worth it. Gas doesn’t immediately kill you and if you have a gas mask, try to remember you’ve got a moment to attack from a natural strategic position within the gas.
While I have yet to taste a victory royale, even without the double XP, the XP rewards for finishing in the top ten alone are solid. Tack on the kills along the way, any contracts or loot you pick up and you’ve got a nice way to quickly rank up. Especially if you need a break from the hectic nature of playing hardcore shipment/shoot house. Sheesh. That shit gives me anxiety.
Warzone battle royale solos is what you make of it
While I prefer a slower-paced, more tactical movements and being sneaky to get to the top ten, many prefer to attempt to get there through sheer aggressive gameplay. That’s fine. You do you. But don’t whine when you finish 38th because while you were busy sniping from a roof, I crept up behind you and cracked your skull.
I’m not sure when/if solos will be added to the Plunder mode, but I’m hoping that it will be. That one is a bit harder to play by yourself against squads, if you want any kind of placement. While I have played with squads there, they tend to suck at saving money, kind of like most of us IRL.
As you get into Warzone battle royale solos just remember, if we happen to encounter each other in the game, it’s likely because you weren’t watching your six and now you are in the gulag. Sorry about your luck.
Do you have any tips you would like to share? Am I doing this right? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.
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