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Cash app let me customize my card with the most unthinkable design

Pushing limits with personalization: my unforgettable experience with cash app’s custom debit card.

a person holding a credit card that reads cum on it
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

Picture this: Cash App rolls out customizable debit cards. I, with the intellectual prowess of a pubescent pre-teen, decided to test the limits of this feature. My weapon of choice? The word ‘cum.’

Now, before you raise your eyebrows, let me assure you that my expectations were as low as my maturity level.

I mean, who in their right mind would green-light such a design? But lo and behold, a few days later, my phone pinged with the news – my card was en route.

Fast forward to D-day.

In my hands, I held not just any card, but my ‘Cum Card.’ As I stared at the masterpiece that had somehow slipped past Cash App’s quality control, I realized I had unwittingly created my magnum opus.

Turning 40 this November, I knew this was the legacy I wanted to leave behind.

cash app cum card customizable card
Image: KnowTechie

The reactions to my artistic endeavor were as diverse as a bag of mixed nuts. My wife, bless her soul, was less than impressed. But then again, she’s long grown weary of my internet shenanigans.

Some friends, however, hailed it as ‘beautiful.’ Others were just left scratching their heads. ‘What’s a Cum Card?’ they asked, faces scrunched up in confusion. ‘Where is this accepted?’

Cash App’s feature isn’t just some fancy gimmick – it’s their way of saying, ‘Hey, we get it. You want to express yourself, even on your debit card.’

But this got the old gears grinding. How far can we take this personalization thing before it becomes a personalized mess? Is there a line in the sand between expressing yourself and causing a scene?

In the end, I’m just a guy who put ‘cum’ on a debit card.

A person stands in a grassy field, holding a hand up to the sky with text written across it.
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

Despite the wild success of my ‘Cum Card,’ it’s worth noting that Cash App isn’t just letting any and all designs through. There’s a certain level of moderation happening behind the scenes.

A friend of mine, inspired by my audacious design, decided to push the boundaries even further with a rather vulgar message of his own.

But Cash App, ever the vigilant gatekeeper, promptly shot it down. It seems there’s a fine line between cheeky humor and outright obscenity, and Cash App is keen on maintaining that balance.

So, while you have the freedom to get creative with your card, remember: with great power comes great responsibility

In the whirlwind of laughter and confusion, I realized that others might want to take a shot at Cash App’s debit card customization. So, if you’re feeling adventurous, here’s how to make your very own Cum card:

  1. Crack open your Cash App and hit the ‘Cash Card’ tab.
  2. You’ll spot an option to ‘Design a New Card.’ Give that a tap.
  3. Now, let your creativity off the leash. Change the color, slap on some emojis, or even scrawl your signature. Go wild!

Just remember, this little escapade comes with a $5 fee. But for a card that screams ‘you’ (or gives your friends a good chuckle), I’d say it’s a bargain.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, start designing, and who knows, you might just end up with your own version of the ‘Cum Card.

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Kevin is KnowTechie's founder and executive editor. With over 15 years of blogging experience in the tech industry, Kevin has transformed what was once a passion project into a full-blown tech news publication. Shoot him an email at or find him on Mastodon or Post.

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