iOS 13 has a slick new feature that fakes eye contact during Facetime calls
No, seriously, it will make it look like you’re staring into the other person’s soul.

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If you’ve ever felt weird because the other person on your FaceTime call isn’t looking up at the camera, you’re apparently not alone. Starting in iOS 13, FaceTime will have a new setting that makes it look like you’re looking directly into the camera, and not at the screen directly below it.
It’s called Attention Correction, and it uses advanced image-manipulation algorithms to fake where your eyes are pointed during FaceTime calls. It was tested out by app designer Mike Rundle and podcaster Will Sigmon, and it’s some kinda voodoo magic. Seriously, just check out the images above.
Faked eye contact is coming to iOS 13
I’ve gotta say, I hate video calls. I have enough trouble maintaining eye contact in person, let alone when I don’t really know where I should be looking when there’s a camera involved. This sounds like an absolute killer feature for the iPhone, and it’s making me question my Pixel allegiance even further.
- Apparently, the feature only works on the iPhone XS, XS Max and possibly the cheaper XR. If you’ve got an older iPhone, you’re out of luck
- It fixes the ‘always-looking-slightly-down’ images of your FaceTime buddy, since they’re looking at your video feed and not directly at the camera
Seriously Apple, this is some crazy secret (apple)sauce. Once image samples from this year’s iPhone crop leak out, I’m seriously about to go fruity and grab one.
What do you think? Is this a feature you’re glad to see make its way to iPhone? Want to see it on other devices? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.
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