All posts tagged "boston dynamics"
/ 2 years agoNew Boston Dynamics robot video shows off sick parkour trick
This is the most terrifying video on the internet right now.
/ 4 years agoHyundai just bought Boston Dynamics so it can start replacing us with robots
Hyundai's vision for the future includes more robots and less people.
/ 4 years agoBoston Dynamics’ Digidog has not been the best boy and the NYPD is sending it back
This all seems a little too iRobot to me.
/ 4 years agoBoston Dynamics’ robodog hit the streets with the NYPD and people aren’t happy
Black Mirror, anyone?
/ 4 years agoBoston Dynamics’ new robot is a warehouse-packing monster
Check out Stretch in action, it's pretty darn impressive.
/ 4 years agoGod forbid the day these dancing robots from Boston Dynamics kill us all
“Sometimes we want what we want even if we know it’s going to kill us.” ― Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch
/ 5 years agoMythbusters host Adam Savage built a rickshaw and had Boston Dynamics’ robodog pull him around
Ha, take that robot overlords!
/ 5 years agoMass. State Police is now working with a robodog from Boston Dynamics
The future is now.
/ 5 years agoWatch Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot perform a full-fledged gymnastics routine
How long til it's doing the Ninja Warrior course?
/ 6 years agoScientists are now teaching robots to fight back because humanity is on borrowed time anyways
I've seen Ex Machina enough times to know that this does not have a happy ending.
/ 6 years agoBoston Dynamics has developed a robot that knows parkourWHYWHYWHYYY
Welp, we had a good run.
/ 7 years agoHoly shit, Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robot can now run all by itself
The robot uprising has begun.