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Carmen Sandiego is back with a new globetrotting Google Earth game

A nice nostalgia hit.

carmen sandiego game google earth
Image: Google

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Nostalgia is powerful and now, Google is back with another globetrotting adventure over Google Earth featuring the super thief, Carmen Sandiego. Unlike the show from the 90s, however, Carmen Sandiego is no longer the villain, but the one trying to stop the thieves.

This isn’t her first time making an appearance on Google Earth, having previously solved the Crown Jewels Caper. This time, you and Carmen are tasked with solving Tutankhamun’s Mask Caper. Your mission will start in Cairo, where you’ll talk to people, investigate locations, and travel around the world looking for who stole the mask.

Check out the trailer for Carmen Sandiego: The Tutankhamun’s Mask Caper

YouTube video

You may be wondering why Carmen is one of the good guys now, and it is in line with her story arc that can be found on Netflix.

I played the game a bit this morning, and it is definitely enjoyable. There will always be something cool about exploring our planet via Google Earth, and this gives you some direction and story to go along with your exploring. It’s nothing mindblowing, but if you’re looking for something to kill some time during your work day, it definitely fits the bill.

You can play Carmen Sandiego: The Tutankhamun’s Mask Caper by going to Google Earth on desktop, or through the iOS and Android apps available from Google. Once in, look for the Carmen Sandiego icon and catch your first flight.

What do you think? Plan on trying this out? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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