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PlayStation 4 Remote Play makes its way to the iPhone and iPad

Yeah, I’m definitely going to try this out.

iphone x showing playstation remote play
Image: Josiah Motley (screenshot: @tontsa)

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Sony announced Remote Play way back in 2013 for its PlayStation 4 console, and then in 2014 released the feature for Android (Sony Xperia phones only), as well as the ability to stream the games to your PlayStation Vita. To make the feature work, you had to be on the same Wi-Fi connection, but it was a neat little feature that allowed you to play your PS4 games away from the TV.

Later, in 2016, Remote Play options were added to both Windows and Mac. Now, in a somewhat surprising move, Remote Play is available for your iPhone and iPad.

PlayStation 4 Remote Play on iOS

The feature was first spotted by Engadget and works exactly as expected. You’ll first make sure your PlayStation 4 is updated to the latest version. Next, head to Settings and Remote Play Connection Settings. Make sure it is enabled.

From there, download the app to your iOS device and follow the prompts to connect your PlayStation 4 to your iPhone or iPad. Please note that the feature requires an iPhone 7 (or above) or at least a 6th-gen iPad. Again, you’ll have to be on a shared Wi-Fi connection.

Once connected, Remote Play will put virtual controls on your screen so you can play the games, but let’s be honest here, there are very few games that will be fun controlling in this manner. Sadly, the PlayStation 4 controller doesn’t connect to iOS devices, but there are third-party options available.

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