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Red alert: Walmart will have the Xbox Series X and PS5 back in stock today

Get those web pages loaded early.

xbox series x and playstation 5 console
Image: KnowTechie

Just a heads up, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale. It’s one of the ways we keep the lights on here. Click here for more.

Look, we get it, you’re still trying to get a next-gen console. You’re not the only one. But, good news, Walmart is adding a fresh batch of Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 consoles on their website today, the 19th.

You’ll need to act fast, though, because there are plenty of people (and bots) that are ready to scoop these up as soon as Walmart opens the flood gates.

A real image of me trying to order an Xbox Series X knowing damn well the bots will scoop them up in approximately .02 seconds

clown looking at walmart xbox series x page

Image: Josiah Motley / KnowTechie

If you want to join me in trying to snag a console, you’ll need to have those pages loaded at 3pm ET (12pm PT) (we recommend getting there early) if you want a chance at one. We’ll provide the links to each listing below.

So, there you have it, all the links you’ll need to hopefully secure a console for the holiday season! Wishing you all fast internet and good luck, you’ll need it.

What do you think? Have you secured a next-gen console yet? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Just a heads up, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale. It’s one of the ways we keep the lights on here. Click here for more.

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Former KnowTechie editor.

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