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Review: Brik is a portable Juul charger every Juul user should probably own

If you’re a Juul user, there’s no doubt about it, you need this.

brik juul portable charger knowtechie review
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

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If you’re a habitual Juul fiend user like I am, one thing that’s for certain is that you have to charge these little suckers any chance you can. Seriously, I vape about two pods a day, which means I have to have keep this thing charging as much as possible throughout the day. And man, if it isn’t, stay away from me. I’m a cranky bitch if I can’t get to my nicotine stick.

Anyways, if this sounds like you (and it’s totally OK if it doesn’t – I have an issue, I know), then you absolutely need to drop what you’re doing and check out this portable Juul charger called the Brik.

So what exactly is the Brik?

brik juul portable charger knowtechie review

Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

It’s a portable charger for your Juul. You charge your Juul with it. That’s it. Seriously, that’s its one job and honestly, I’m not mad about it. I appreciate a device that has one job, and a job it can get done right. And for the most part, the Brik charger did exactly that.

The Brik isn’t your normal battery pack. I mean, obviously. But it’s slim. Like, really slim – slim enough that it fits right into my pocket without taking valuable real estate. The company’s website says that it measures less than half an inch in width. The anodized metal case is equipped with a 1000 mAh battery, which gives users about three complete charges to their Juul devices. There’s even storage space to store an extra pod in the case, you know, just in case you need one later down the road.

I was recently on vacation in the Azores, Portugal and figured this would the perfect opportunity to put this charger through the wringer. The Azores are a group of small islands smack down in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and for the better part of the days, I would be away from a traditional wall outlet, so a portable charging option was necessary. This is where the Brik charger came into play.

Right from the rip, the Brik worked just as advertised

brik juul portable charger knowtechie review

Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

I was instantly sold on it. Anytime my Juul needed a charge, I placed it in the case’s magnetic charger and away it went. Every time I would take it back out, the device was fully charged. The case even tells you how much battery power is left just in case you need to charge the charger. If this thing pumped out free pods, this device would be a Juul user’s wet dream.

However, all good things must come to an end. Towards the end of the trip, the device simply stopped working. Not entirely, but in the sense that if I put the Juul in the charger, the device would show it as charging, but in reality, it wasn’t. I confirmed this with a dead Juul. When a Juul device has a low battery, a red light will glow when you tap on the Juul. After leaving the dead Juul in the Brik charger for about an hour and trying again, it was still dead.

Thankfully, Brik sent me a variety pack that included 3 additional Brik chargers so I was able to keep my Juul juiced up for the remainder of my trip. The company sells the Brik charger at $30 a pop. The variety pack will run you $84. In my case, the obvious choice is the variety pack just in case one of the chargers shits the bed on you.

brik juul portable charger knowtechie review

Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

Sure, Juul makes a portable charger of its own, but there are a few things that set the Brik charger apart from Juul’s. For starters, with Brik, you have color options, where Juul only gives you one choice – black.

Brik’s device is slimmer and is made of anodized aluminum, where’s Juul’s offering is made mostly of plastic. Not to mention, Brik offers a lifetime warranty on its devices, where Juul only gives you two years. So there’s that. Obviously, Brik’s offering is the way to go here.

As someone who lives and dies by the Juul, Brik’s portable Juul charger is truly a godsend. If you’re a Juul user, there’s no doubt about it, you need this. If not now, at some point you will.

Either way, Brik chargers are up for grabs on the company’s website. Brik has them cheaper on their website, however, it’s about a buck or two more on Amazon. The latter option gives you free shipping if you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber. Brik offers free shipping on orders over $10. So you have options.

Are you a JUUL user? Obviously, you can see the value here with this, right? Have any thoughts on this? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Kevin is KnowTechie's founder and executive editor. With over 15 years of blogging experience in the tech industry, Kevin has transformed what was once a passion project into a full-blown tech news publication. Shoot him an email at

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