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Scout is a device that sniffs out hidden cameras in your Airbnb

I could see a lot of people using something like this.

spyguyt scout hiden camera finder
Image: SpyGuy

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If you travel a lot, you’ve no doubt had the occasional worries about your room. Maybe it is just in regards to the cleanliness, or maybe it’s something much worse.

Hidden cameras are nothing new to hotels and Airbnbs, but as technology advances these cameras become smaller and more difficult to recognize. Now, there is a way to sniff out these advanced camera systems in your room and it comes from a surprisingly simple tool.

Scout is a simple tool that can help you secure your Airbnb or hotel room

Scout is a simple handheld tool that features an eye hole and a ring of LEDs and can quickly find cameras around your room.

To use the device, simply look through the eyehole at something you expect to be a camera then turn the LED ring on to either a solid light or pulsing. If there is a camera there (vent, smoke detector, you name it), you’ll see a bright red light shining back at you. Using a pulsing pattern may make it easier to see any discrepancies in items around your Airbnb.

This works because many camera systems contain an infrared filter. That filter, when presented with the bright red light of your LEDs will actually reflect that even brighter back at you.

It’s a bit pricey at $99, but if you are an avid traveler, it could definitely bring a peace of mind you wouldn’t otherwise have.

What do you think? Interested in the Scout tool? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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