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Searching tells a story through the eyes of devices and social networks [u]

This isn’t your typical movie about a missing child.

searching movie
Image: Screen Gems

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One of the most-anticipated technology-themed films of the year is about to open. Searching stars John Cho as a father looking for his missing child. For help, he looks for clues across her social media account. He soon realizes there’s a lot he doesn’t know about his daughter.

Searching isn’t your typical movie about a missing child. Like Unfriended before it, the movie tells its story entirely through a screen. For example, you’ll see key events and situations through the lens of laptop and phone screens. Additionally, plot twists are revealed through visits to Google, Reddit, and other websites.

Here’s the Searching trailer:

YouTube video

As the father of a pre-teen daughter, I’m looking forward to seeing this movie and also a little bit apprehensive. The news is littered with stories each year about the perils many device users face online, especially kids. My hope is that Searching offers a realistic portrait of what can happen to someone if they aren’t careful about posting personal information online.

The early reviews offer a mixed bag.

Slate calls Searching a “bizarro Black Mirror,” criticizing its portrait of a world where Silicon Valley is both the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. The New York Times, meanwhile, says the film “mostly works” by unveiling “a clever approach to character building.”

Finally, Rolling Stone says Searching begs us to answer the questions, “Do we pay a price for living our lives on screens?” and “Is the price worth it?” “As it should, Searching leaves you with questions that’ll keep you up at night,” it concludes.

Searching opens on Friday, Aug. 31.

Are you planning on going to see Searching? Let us know below.

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Update: Previously, this report said that Searching would open everywhere on Aug. 24. It only opened in Indonesia and Germany on that date. It launches on Friday, Aug. 31.

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Bryan considers himself a well-rounded techie, having written articles for MakeUseOf, KnowTechie, AppAdvice, iDownload Blog. When he's not writing, he's being a single dad and rooting for his alma mater, Penn State, or cheering on the Patriots.

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