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Spotify is down for a ton of people right now (updated)

So much for listening to music this morning.

spotify logo blurred background
Image: KnowTechie

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UPDATE 6/9/2022 8:18 AM ET: It looks like Spotify is now working for users again. If you are still having issues, try logging out, closing the app completely, and relogging in.

If you want to save Spotify songs for offline listening and avoid this mess again, we recommend YT Saver Music Converter, which is the best music downloader available today that supports almost any music site.

If you needed some coffee tunes to get your work morning going, then bad news. Spotify is down for tons of people right now.

According to Downdetector, 2,570 people are reporting an outage. It’s not clear yet what areas are being most heavily affected, but comments on Downdetector show a variety of locations.

spotify outage
Image: KnowTechie

Many users are reporting issues with playing songs and editing their playlists at this time. People on Twitter are also reporting issues with the service.

Another Spotify user notes that “All songs I start just stop after 6 seconds, with the app (MacOS) saying ‘can’t play the current song’.”

Users on Downdetector are noting similar issues. “Mine skip the songs after and after. i can’t listen to a song more than 2 seconds.”

Spotify is offering a fix for playback issues

If you are struggling to play music through the Spotify app, someone from the SpotifyCares Twitter account has started offering advice.

We will continue to add information as it is made available.

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Former KnowTechie editor.

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