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TikTok is selling its coveted algorithm

But don’t worry, it’s still going to use it on its platform.

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Image: KnowTechie

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TikTok has seen ridiculous success over the past couple of years, with some of this due to just how good its recommendation algorithm is. Now, TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, is making that algorithm available for others, but you’ll need to cough up some cash.

Not you, specifically, but other companies that want to use the power of TikTok’s AI and algorithm in their own applications. The report comes from Financial Times, where it is outlined that ByteDance launched ByteDance Plus, which focuses on selling TikTok technology.

So far, according to the report, a handful of companies have purchased tech. This includes a couple of shopping apps and websites, as well as one travel website.

It’s not clear how much companies are paying for the technology, or if the company would reject sales to potential competitors, but as Engadget notes, it’s possible TikTok’s popularity is plateauing, and doing something like this can help bring in additional revenue.

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