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Twitter is making it harder to view the chronological feed again (updated)

Twitter giveth and Twitter taketh away.

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Image: KnowTechie

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UPDATE 3/14/2022 2:52 PM EST: Twitter has already backpedaled on this controversial feature and has announced that the feed will be reverting back to how it was before. You can find the official announcement here. The original article follows below.

It seems like just yesterday that Twitter added an easy way to sort tweets chronologically. In fact, it’s been nearly four years. Now, Twitter is changing things again, and not for the better.

Rolling out on iOS now, with Android and web on the way, Twitter is adding two tabs at the top of your feed: Home and Latest Tweets. Home will sort tweets algorithmically and the Latest Tweets tab is, well, the latest tweets.

On the surface, that doesn’t seem terrible, but the caveat is that Twitter will always default to the Home tab. That means every time you open the dang app, you’ll have to remember to tab over for that sweet, sweet chronological goodness.

As expected, people went wild in the comments. Almost everyone dislikes the change. Kevin called them “cowards” (he didn’t, but I’m going to assume he thought it), and another user simply responded “No.”

Twitter of course has responded to the complaints with the PR-friendly response of “We’ll share your feedback and request with the team.”

This is definitely a bummer. Algorithmic sorting makes sense on some platforms, but when I’m on Twitter, I’m there for the feed, baby.

Give me all the shit. I want to see every bad take as it is released into the wild. I want to look at my phone in disgust while Curtis sends tweets into the ether. It was my choice to follow these jerks, let me live with the consequences of my poor decisions.

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