A gamer has joined the 2020 presidential race because, sure, why not
He’s more qualified than Marianne Williamson, at the very least.

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Things are going great here in America, politically speaking. Our current president is a former reality show host who ran on a platform straight out of a South Park episode. Our current crop of candidates to defeat him include a whos-who of milquetoast senators, a former Veep/current creep, and an author attempting to harness “the power of love.”
My point is, why *shouldn’t* a gamer enter the fray? A gamer like, say, Ace Watkins?
America, it’s time for a Gamer to be President. My name is Ace Watkins and I am ready to be that Gamer. I urge you to peep my announcement video and smash that retweet button. The future of our country depends on it.
— Ace Watkins (@GamerPres20XX) July 8, 2019
I mean, sure, Watkins might look like a 16-year-old who accidentally wandered onto the set of Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” video. He might not even be a real gamer, and the fact that his whole campaign is being backed by Hard Drive, a satirical website/magazine focused on gaming journalism, argues that maybe this whole thing is a farce.
But all that said, is Watkins really any less qualified than our current POTUS? Just look at the video he dropped last night to announce his candidacy. Listen to his impassioned rallying cry:
We need a president who can no-scope headshot the issues that divide us. That’s why I’m calling on gamers of all stripes, PC and console, elite and casual, free-to-play and battlepass, real and mobile, to join me on my quest to patch our broken political system.
The man’s calling for unity, people! How often do we hear that in the gaming community, let alone in our political one?
Other Watkins 2020 policies include:
On Healthcare:
Republicans and Democrats have drank the kool-aid when it comes to politics. Well I've drank the bath water. And now that I've seen the inside of a hospital for myself, I'm ready to lead our nation to stronger healthcare.
— Ace Watkins (@GamerPres20XX) July 8, 2019
On Foreign Policy:
— Ace Watkins (@GamerPres20XX) July 8, 2019
On the 1%:
While those other politicians were hanging around on a billionaire sex crime island, I was at home spending quality time with my games.
— Ace Watkins (@GamerPres20XX) July 9, 2019
On Literacy:
Not a single candidate running for President has even mentioned A Song of Ice and Fire. I will negotiate with George RR Martin and get America books 6 and 7 during my first term. We will heal this great nation from the pain caused by Game of Thrones season 8.
— Ace Watkins (@GamerPres20XX) July 9, 2019
Welp, you got my vote, Ace.
What do you think? Does Ace have your vote? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.
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