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Google is reducing its Play Store fees for developers making under $1 million a year

Apple made this change last year, but Google’s version doesn’t require developers to apply for a program.

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Image: KnowTechie

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Last year, Apple and Google came under fire for their 30% cuts on app sales. Epic Games helped bring this issue into the spotlight and it didn’t take long for Apple to adjust its fees for developers making under $1 million a year.

Now, Google is following suit, by also dropping its fee for app sales to 15% for all developers during their first $1 million earned through the Play Store. Unlike Apple’s App Store, developers will not have to apply for a program for the lower fees, it will happen automatically, across the board for all apps.

Starting on July 1, 2021 we are reducing the service fee Google Play receives when a developer sells digital goods or services to 15% for the first $1M (USD) of revenue every developer earns each year.

In the blog post, Google notes that applying the change to everyone “is a fair approach that aligns with Google’s broader mission to help all developers succeed. We look forward to sharing full details in the coming months.”

Google notes that this change 99% of developers will see the 50% reduction in fees.

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