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Mario Kart Tour beta slides its way to Android phones in May

Nintendo, spill the beans already.

mario kart tour logo
Image: Nintendo Wire

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If you’ve been patiently waiting for more any news regarding Nintendo’s upcoming mobile game Mario Kart Tour, then we have a small tidbit of information to hopefully hold you over a bit.

The Mario Kart Tour beta will take place from May 22 to June 4 and signups will take place from today through May 7. The closed beta will be for Android users only, and it seems iOS will just have to wait patiently for the full release. That full release date, Nintendo is still only saying “summer 2019,” but I would assume it would be at least a few weeks after the beta ends.

If you want to participate in the closed beta, head over here and scan that QR code. If you want to know more about Mario Kart Tour, suck it, because there isn’t any more information. It exists. That’s all we know. We do know that a Dr. Mario game will be releasing around the same time, however.

Seriously, there’s like not even screenshots or anything, but it’s Nintendo and Mario Kart, so you’ll happily deal with it like the rest of us.

What do you think? Interested in trying out Mario Kart Tour? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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