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Nintendo released an hour of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate footage and I need it now

Still no Waluigi.

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If you can’t wait for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo recently uploaded over an hour of footage from the Arcadian Teen Tournament in San Diego, California for you to binge. You can check out that footage above, but if you want to read more about what to expect from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, keep reading.

First, we heard about the fifth installment of the Super Smash Bros series, after what felt like an eternity of hopes and prayers for the game to resurface, was during a March 18 Nintendo Direct. The only knowledge bestowed upon us was that it existed, it was called Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and it would be released later this year for Nintendo Switch.

It will be a genuine addition to the series, not a spin-off to leave us craving a true version of the game we all love. It will include every fighter ever highlighted in the franchise – including DLC  characters –  as well as three new cameos (Ridley, Inkling, and Daisy) premiering solely in Ultimate.

Reportedly, there will be many mechanical tweaks overseen by director Masahiro Sakurai himself and there is a new fighting system dubbed “Echo” that reworks the abilities of fighters on the roster, making familiar characters still fill new. Speaking of new, we will be fighting with new items on new maps related to the characters, something iconic to the Smash Bros of old. Speaking of old, players are going to be able to make use of the GameCube controllers I assume we all have stashed throughout our homes.

The no item two-out-of-three tournament is worth the watch, but not much of a fix for the diehards. The footage gives us a closer look at features not highlighted in the recent news, such as a minimap that shows character range when blown off the stage. However, we do not get to see the menus.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be released December 7, 2018, only for Nintendo Switch.

Needless to say, people are ready for a new Smash. Do you think Ultimate can live up to the hype? Let us know below!

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