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Someone on Reddit used neural networks to enhance an 1896 film to 4K 60 FPS and it’s insane

I just figured out how to upload videos to YouTube and people are out here doing this.

neural network train
Image: YouTube

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Look, I’m not the most technology savvy person here at KnowTechie but I do know something cool when I see it and this is cool. A user on Reddit has used neural networks to upscale a clip from a movie that was recorded way back in 1896.

The video in question is called L’Arrivée d’un train à La Ciotat, which translates to Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat in English. Reddit user u/Shir_man posted their upscaled, 4K 60 FPS version and honestly, it’s pretty mind-boggling.

Check out this upscaled film from 1896 and fear for the future of neural networks and deepfakes

Ok, before we watched the enhanced version, we need to see what the original looks like. You can find that below.

So, you’ve watched that now, correct? Pretty cool, but now, look what a neural network and time were able to accomplish.

Pretty wild, huh? The improved looks and framerate were made possible through the use of a variety of programs, including Gigapixel AI, DAIN, and more. Make sure to stick around for the full video above, as it shows some comparisons at the end.

What do you think? Is this an awesome use of technology or is it concerning for the future of neural networks and deepfakes? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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