All posts tagged "stories"
/ 3 years agoInstagram is opening the floodgates to allow anyone to have links in Stories
This will be great for smaller influencers with dedicated audiences.
/ 3 years agoLinkedIn is abandoning its Stories feature to the surprise of literally no one
I don't know what LinkedIn expected from this, honestly.
/ 4 years agoTikTok is now testing Snapchat-like stories because nothing is sacred
Another day, another story.
/ 4 years agoTwitter is the first app to remove Stories from its platform
So long and thanks for the fleeting memories.
/ 4 years agoFor some reason, Spotify is adding Stories to certain playlists
I will never ever ever watch any of these.
/ 4 years agoSnapchat adds a new music feature in a feeble attempt to compete with TikTok
Honestly surprised that this feature is just now being added.
/ 4 years agoSlack is testing video stories and push-to-talk calls on its platform
Ugh, more stories.
/ 5 years agoFacebook will soon let you share your Facebook Stories to Instagram
Now, if only it marked them both as "read" after I viewed one.
/ 5 years agoTwitter is joining the rest of the social media world with its own version of Stories
Surprised it took this long, honestly.
/ 6 years agoFacebook is testing a new News Feed that puts your timeline on a carousel
Sure, add the News Feed to the Stories carousel, what's the worst that could happen?
/ 6 years agoHello fellow kids, LinkedIn is adding Stories to the platform
Great, more vertical video.
/ 7 years agoInstagram wants us to know we can creepily screenshot Stories without fear
It's been in beta since February, but now we can all breathe a little easier.
/ 7 years agoInstagram continues to blur the line between feed posts and stories
You can now share posts from you and your friends directly to your own Story.
/ 7 years agoTwitter is reportedly switching gears with a new camera-first function
Who needs 280 characters when you can use a picture?