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What is Mario Day?

Mario is a video game icon, but what (and when) is Mario Day?

mario jumping on screen
Image: KnowTechie

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Quick Answer: Mario Day is a celebration of all things Mario. The reason it is celebrated on March 10th is because it looks like this when abbreviated: MAR10

When you think of iconic video game characters, Mario is probably at the top of most people’s lists. The lovable plumber first appeared in 1981’s Donkey Kong arcade game.

After that, he went on to star in two 1983 Game & Watch titles, Mario Bros. and Mario’s Cement Factory.

These were fine games, but it wasn’t until the release of Super Mario Bros. in 1985 that the game series hit mainstream appeal.

Now, 38 years later, Mario has starred in 23 games and has been featured in close to 100 others (shoutout to Mario Kart).

When was the first Mario Day?

Now that you know what Mario Day is, let’s look back at the history of this day.

Mario Day (March 10) has been unofficially celebrated for at least two decades. It would be impossible to nail down an exact year, however.

I remember people commenting on it in college, so that’s at least 5 15 years ago.

It wasn’t until 2016 that Nintendo officially acknowledged the holiday, however. You can watch the official YouTube video of that below:

Since then, Nintendo has fully embraced Mario Day and provided players with limited-time game events, YouTube videos, and Mario game deals.

The best Mario Day deals

To help celebrate the iconic plumber, Nintendo gamers can typically find a bunch of deals around the week of March 10.

Once these are available, we’ll make sure to update this section to provide you with the best deals on Nintendo and Mario titles.

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