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What is Spotify’s ‘Only You’ feature, and how does it work?

The new experience will curate personalized playlists for you.

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Image: KnowTechie

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Quick Answer: Only You is a Spotify Wrapped-like feature that includes personalized playlists and highlights of your listening habits, all designed to cater to your taste and enhance your app experience.

Only You is a suite of Spotify features highlighting your listening habits and curating playlists catered to your taste. Only You contains features that change how you experience the app.

Similar to the app’s yearly Spotify Wrapped feature, Only You will display a comprehensive list of your listening habits.

First up is your Audio Birth Chart. This feature will display a few different bands or artists separated into three categories: Sun, Moon, and Rising.

The Sun chart displays your most listened-to music over the last six months, and the Moon chart displays artists that reveal your vulnerable side.

Lastly, the Rising chart is reserved for those newly discovered artists.

spotify only you feature
Image: KnowTechie

Then there’s your Dream Dinner Party. This feature lets you pick three of your favorite artists.

Spotify will then generate curated playlists based on those three artists.

Then there are Artist Pairs, which highlight the variety of music you listen to by displaying unique combinations of your favorite artists.

The experience doesn’t stop there, either. Only You also includes a new Song Year highlighting your favorite time periods in music.

There’s also your Time of Day that collects data about what you listen to at different times of the day.

By combining these features, Spotify aims to create a more personalized listening experience that fits everyone’s individual needs while increasing user engagement.

After checking out all of the Only You features, Spotify can create personal playlists that evolve to continue giving you that personalized experience.

Spotify Blend

In addition to these Only You features, Spotify is also introducing a new way to share music with your friends.

Spotify Blend is another new feature that evolves how we share and experience music.

Blend allows users to choose a friend to share music with. Once two friends have joined, Blend will create a playlist that evolves over time, combining the two friends’ interests.

The coolest thing about Blend is that the combined playlist will be updated over time as each listener’s music taste evolves.

All of these new features are out today. Spotify Blend is currently in beta, but it is available to all users on the mobile app.

Spotify Only You is a great way to find new music

Mobile Spotify users can now hop in and experience the Only You feature in its entirety.

While these features may not necessarily revolutionize how we experience music, Only You is a great way to make users feel unique while also providing insight into their listening habits.

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Staff writer at KnowTechie. Alex has two years of experience covering all things technology, from video games to electric cars. He's a gamer at heart, with a passion for first-person shooters and expansive RPGs. Shoot him an email at

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