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For some reason, Bethesda is releasing a premium membership for Fallout 76

y tho?

fallout 76 subscription service fallout 1st
Image: Bethesda

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In an effort to squeeze out more money from the seventeen people still playing Fallout 76, Bethesda announced a new premium membership today.

The service, Fallout 1st, will run you $12.99 a month or $99.99 a year. I don’t understand it, you don’t understand, hell, I doubt Bethesda understands it.

More about Fallout 76’s new premium membership

So, with the service, you’ll get a variety of things with the most interesting being access to a Private World. This limited server is built for you and up to seven friends to enjoy without having to worry about other players intruding on your good times.

In addition to a Private World, subscribers will get 1,650 Atoms (real money currency) each month, discounts in the Atomic Shop, plus a scrapbox to store an unlimited amount of crafting components. This is similar to Elder Scrolls Online’s paid membership, and it makes sense, but ESO actually has content. You’ll also get a fast-travel tent, some emotes, and an outfit.

If you are a dedicated Fallout 76 player, the service makes sense, but for literally everyone else, even casual players, I can’t see it being worth it. The Private World is nice, and could make for a unique place for roleplayers to gather, but isn’t half the fun of roleplaying doing it out in the real (virtual) world?

There’s a lot of things I’d like to see out of Fallout 76 and really would love to see Bethesda turn it around, but this ain’t it, chief.

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