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Hands-on: Animal Crossing: New Horizons is an absolute treat

It’s pure Animal Crossing through and through.

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Look, at this point, everyone knows my love for Animal Crossing. I have never tried to hide it. When the annual PAX East opened its door this morning in Boston to media, I bee-lined for the Nintendo booth. Nothing would stop me from experiencing Animal Crossing.

Well, everything except lines. After standing in the wrong line TWICE (I was blinded by anticipation), I finally got some hands-on time with the title, and friends, let me tell you, it’s Animal Crossing alright.

After checking out the amazing booth, I had the chance to play four-person co-op with two other people and one of the people showing off the game, and the experience was pure Animal Crossing.

First things first and my only negative opinion about my 20 minutes with the game – 4-player co-op is probably too much. One person has lead while everyone else follows around. Sadly, I have to disagree with the great Creed Bratton when he said “I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader,” because following around was meh at best. You have limited functionality, and it just feels a bit gimmicky.

Now, onto everything good about the game. The museum looks absolutely amazing. Crafting is a breeze and looks like it will be a lot of fun once you start storing mass amounts of materials. The fish look so good, as does the water in which they reside. Controls work exactly as you expect, and if you have any time with the series, you’ll feel right at home in no time.

For the achievement hunters, there also seems to be some element of that, with various milestones you can reach for. Honestly, for someone like me, who can lose interest in a game quickly, having something like this added is definitely welcome.

It’s pure Animal Crossing through and through, and from my short time with it, I cannot wait to dive in on March 20 when it releases on Nintendo Switch. For more information about Animal Crossing: New Horizons, click here (don’t forget to preorder it too).

What do you think? Are you excited for Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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Former KnowTechie editor.

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