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Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass is coming to PC, but will anyone care?

Ehh, might be cool, but we’ll see.

xbox game pass coming to pc
Image: Microsoft

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During an earnings call this, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella had quite a bit to say, but one that should have gamers’ ears piqued is that Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass is scheduled to come to Windows 10.

No firm dates have been given, but as Microsoft continues to blur the line between PC gaming and console gaming, this type of move begins to make a lot of sense. I mean, the company has been prepping this for years, in a way, thanks to Microsoft’s Play Anywhere functionality that allows PC gamers to download Xbox One games.

What makes Xbox Game Pass different that Play Anywhere?

The main difference here is going to be the number of titles available to gamers. Whereas Play Anywhere was for a relatively small group of first-party games, Xbox Game Pass is much more like a gaming-style Netflix, with many titles, both first and third party, accessible.

Unlike Netflix, however, you don’t necessarily have to stream the titles, but could download and play as you wish. And for $9.99 a month, it’s not a bad deal considering the service keeps over 100 games in rotation.

How would you access Game Pass from PC?

No word yet on how this service would work on PC or if it would also require Xbox Live Gold. It’s also not known where this service would exist, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see it find a place in the Microsoft Store. I doubt that Microsoft would make a new platform for it, but I guess it is possible.

While I think this is interesting news, I just have to wonder how many PC gamers will jump on this? Gamers aren’t going to the Microsoft Store for games and another subscription service, when PC has such a wide range of readily available games, seems exhausting from a personal point of view.

That being said, the chance to play games like Dead Island: Riptide and Sea of Thieves for the monthly fee is a tempting proposition.

Would you spend money on Xbox Game Pass for Windows 10? Let us know in the comments below.

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