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Peloton is releasing a new bike and new treadmill as people look for more home workout options

I’m getting tired just thinking about these.

peloton tread in room
Image: Peloton

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Many gyms around the country are still closed due to COVID-19, and home workout equipment is a very popular item for those looking to bring that experience in their home. Now, Peloton, maker of home fitness equipment, is releasing two new products, which was first reported on by Bloomberg last week.

The two new pieces of equipment include a cheaper treadmill than the current $4,000+ model and a new stationary bike. Both new models, the Bike+ and the Tread, will set users back $2,495.

So, what should people expect from these new models? The treadmill, called Tread, features a smaller footprint than the rebranded Tread+ and a more traditional belt system than the Tread+ and its slate design. It also features an improved 23.8″ screen with embedded speakers and new hardware which allows the screen to be adjusted more. Peloton notes that the new Tread is smaller than many couches, coming in at 68” L x 33” W x 62” H. It will be available in the US and Canada in early 2021, but for people in the UK, they’ll be able to snag one on December 26 of this year.

For the new stationary bike, called Bike+, expect the same updated screen and hardware. Bike+ will also work with Apple Gymkit so you can pair your Apple Watch with the bike for on-the-spot metrics. In addition, the new bike from Peloton features an “Auto-Follow digital resistance system that automatically remembers your Target Metrics and scales your resistance up and down based on instructor guidance.”

Bike+ will release tomorrow, September 9, in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Germany.

YouTube video

The release of Bike+ will also push down the price of the current exercise bike. Starting now, the original Peloton bike will set you back $1,895.

Overall, the release makes sense. People who miss the gym want better ways to stay in shape while at home, and having cheaper offerings (or dropping the price of current models), makes Peloton’s exercise equipment accessible to a wider band of people.

What do you think? Are you interested in a new Peloton treadmill or bike? Would lower prices make you more likely to snag one? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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