PlayStation users take heed, changing your PSN name can result in lost DLC and save points
Yeah, I think I’ll pass for now.
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When Sony announced that it would finally entertain name change options on PSN, gamers everywhere were extremely excited and rightfully so. Many of us created those accounts when we were younger and those names no longer reflect who were are today.
It seems, however, with the release of the System Software 6.10 preview, that PlayStation Preview members might want to wait a bit on going forward with it. From a ResetEra thread, and thanks to member Azdoune who posted the information online, the test service has some major caveats.
What issues could arise with a PSN name change?
According to the Change Online ID Overview, gamers could lose access to DLC content they paid for, as well as any virtual currencies associated with the games. Ok, what? Also, gamers with a name change could lose save data, leaderboard stats, and progress towards trophies. I beg your pardon? Surely, that is all, right?
Oh, wait, no, there’s more. “Parts of your games and applications might not function properly, both online and offline.” Oh, well, screw it, I mean if we’re already taking a chance on losing game access and saves, might as well roll the dice when it comes to the things even working.
Then, after the first free name change, Sony wants you to pay for any additional ones, meaning you’re basically paying to possibly lose parts of your games. Exciting!
But, Josiah, if those things happen I’ll just revert back to my original name. Hold up, buckaroo, as the changelog also states that “changing back to your previous Online ID may not fix all issues (you may not recover all or any lost content, progress, and functionality).”
Yeah, I think I’ll pass for now. Hopefully, this all gets addressed before the full release in 2019.
Are you a PlayStation Preview member? Will you be changing your name? Let us know below!
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