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Totally normal and cool Twitter CEO pretending to be son tweets about porn

Masterful gambit, sir.

This image shows a conversation between Michael Saylor, Elon Musk, and their followers about Satoshi Nakamoto's idea and whether Elon Musk likes Japanese girls. Full Text: 3:59 5G Michael Saylor + ₺ . Nov 12, 2022 @saylor . Follow Satoshi had the right idea. Elon Test @ErmnMusk . Follow Elon M Do you like Japanese girls? For 1:17 . Nov 13, 2022 @elonm 288 Reply 2 Copy link Read 96 replies 240 Following 136.4M Followers 24.7K Subscribers
Image: KnowTechie

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So it looks like Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who is a totally cool and normal guy actually because he likes posting stolen memes, accidentally unveiled his alt-Twitter account yesterday.

And, him being a chill, normal guy and not a carrier of near-radioactive levels of divorced man energy, has been using this alt account for totally cool and normal things.

Chiefly, impersonating his own infant son and tweeting about porn.

Elon Musk is a prominent figure on Twitter, with over 136 million followers, 24.7K subscribers and a current time of 3:59. Full Text: 3:59 .Il 5G D Elon Musk F @elonmusk 240 Following 136.4M Followers 24.7K Subscribers
Image: Twitter

This seemingly accidental unveiling came, as it often does with Machiavellian types, as the result of unchecked arrogant dipshittery wherein Musk took to Twitter, the platform he purchased for just a smidge over its value, to brag about how much he is making in subscriptions from his sad boi army.

But how weird of stuff can he be posting, you ask? Pretty weird stuff (allegedly), I answer!

Elon Musk is being followed by Mike Klassen, who risked their net worth of $16 billion USD for something that must have been unfathomable. Full Text: 3:59 Mike. Nov 11, 2022 @mikeklassen90 . Follow .ill 5G bro had a net worth of $16B USD and risked it all for this ** the grippy must have been unfathomable Elon Musk For @elonmusk Elon Test 240 Following @ErmnMusk . Follow librarians 1:06 - Nov 13, 2022 24.7K Subscrib 202 Reply 2 Copy link Read 33 replies
Image: KnowTechie

Here’s him responding to a tweet from his regular account (classic normal guy stuff).

Elon Musk is replying to a tweet from @sama asking if a video of a person allegedly having sex with 5 million people at once is real. Full Text: Elon Musk D @elonmusk . Nov 11, 2022 Replying to @sama hub Remove Ads + 26 4 Add To Share Download Man Fucks 5 Million People At Once K 0 9,775 t? 29.6K 0 282.6K 1 Elon Test @ErmnMusk . Nov 12, 2022 ... Replying to @elonmusk and @sama Is this a real peon video?
Image: KnowTechie

Here’s him talking about how he wishes he was old enough to go to nightclubs. (It’s worth mentioning that Musk, despite having the humor and overall intelligence of a 13 year, is, in fact, 51 years old).

Here’s him posting totally normal things for a 50-year-old man cosplaying as his 3-year-old son to post.

This image shows a conversation between Michael Saylor, Elon Musk, and their followers about Satoshi Nakamoto's idea and whether Elon Musk likes Japanese girls. Full Text: 3:59 5G Michael Saylor + ₺ . Nov 12, 2022 @saylor . Follow Satoshi had the right idea. Elon Test @ErmnMusk . Follow Elon M Do you like Japanese girls? For 1:17 . Nov 13, 2022 @elonm 288 Reply 2 Copy link Read 96 replies 240 Following 136.4M Followers 24.7K Subscribers
Image: KnowTechie

Interesting. Looking into it!

Of course, Musk, being the generation-defining genius that we all know he is (while still being a normal chill dude, no less), is almost certainly doing all this as a ploy to drum up interest in the website he purchased for 10x its value in order to make himself the main character of it for the lulz.

Because, while he has successfully driven away most of the platform’s major advertisers, which was undoubtedly his master plan to target the real money held by Solitaire-based mobile games – and piss off even his most devoted followers with the clusterfuck that the Twitter Blue rollout has been, it’s only a matter of time before his magnum opus that doesn’t even work half the time because he fired everyone who maintained it starts rolling in the dough.

Masterful gambit, sir.

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Writer. Editor. Barelyknewer. Hate mail can be directed to j j o n e s @ k a r s f o r k i d s d o t e a r t h l i n k

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