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You can get the Windows 11 upgrade early – here’s how

If you can’t wait a couple of weeks for Windows 11, you have options.

windows 11 on laptop
Image: KnowTechie

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Windows 11 is almost here, with October 5 fast approaching. Microsoft has released the final version to its Release Preview channel today, so you can get the final build of Windows 11 early if you wanted to.

While you might not have wanted to install beta software on your computer, the Release Preview channel for Insiders is as close to a public build as it could be.

That means you can get Windows 11 a couple of weeks before everyone else, so read on if this is something you are interested in.

Here’s how to upgrade to Windows 11 today

Use Microsoft’s PC Health App to check if your computer meets the requirements for Windows 11
Head over to Microsoft’s site to register as a Windows Insider
Go into the Settings app in your Windows 10 PC, and head to Update & Security > Windows Insider Program
Click on the Get Started button at the top of the screen, and link the Microsoft account that you used in Step 2
When it asks for your Insider settings, choose Release Preview
Confirm then agree to Microsoft’s terms, and Reboot your PC
Once rebooted, head back to Settings > Update & Securitywindows 11 upgrade prompt in windows update
Click on the new Download and Install button you’ll see at the top of the page
Follow the prompts to get Windows 11 early
Once installed, you can go back into Settings > Windows Update > Windows Insider Program and click on Stop getting preview buildswindows update showing how to turn off preview builds
That will mean when Windows 11 arrives on October 5, you’ll stay on the public build without getting more preview builds.

You can also get ISO files for Windows 11, from Microsoft’s Windows Insider website. Those will let you install Windows 11 on clean hard drives, without having to go through the whole Windows Update loop.

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Maker, meme-r, and unabashed geek with nearly half a decade of blogging experience at KnowTechie, SlashGear and XDA Developers. If it runs on electricity (or even if it doesn't), Joe probably has one around his office somewhere, with particular focus in gadgetry and handheld gaming. Shoot him an email at

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