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The No Man’s Sky Abyss update addresses its lackluster underwater scene

More creatures, more building materials, and more story. What’s not to like?

no man's sky abyss underwater update
Image: Hello Games

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The revival of No Man’s Sky has been an awesome one, one that I was definitely happy to see, and it seems the team at Hello Games has plenty more in store for the title. While the game improved many aspects of its crafting and exploration with the Next update, one sector that seemingly received less love was underwater biomes and construction.

That is now changing with the latest No Man’s Sky update, v1.7, The Abyss. Now, you can expect a lot more from you underwater exploration and base building, as the update released today.

Check it out here:

YouTube video

More about the update

As the video and Hello Games explains, the waters are becoming more vast, with more planets and animals present, and honestly, some of the creatures look pretty awesome, but being that they are generated, you’re sure to come across some silly ones, as well.

For would-be sea explorers, there is also a new vehicle at your disposal. The Nautilon is an upgradable submarine that will help in your journey, in navigation, mining, and even combat.

And maybe the best feature, controls for swimming and diving have been updated to improve the experience. You can now boost underwater with your jetpack and new diving tech can help you out of sketchy situations with predator aquatic creatures.

More building and story

For builders and explorers, you can expect 20 new building pieces for making your underwater base all it can be, and new ruins and story elements for those that focus on exploring and learning about the world around them.

The new storyline, “The Dreams of the Deep,” seems to be a bit darker, and that honestly makes a lot of sense with it being so close to Halloween.

No Man’s Sky is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. The Abyss update is completely free.

What do you think of the update? Will you check it out? Let us know in the comments.

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