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PlayStation players get a year of exclusivity on a certain mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Yeah, not cool.

call of duty modern warfare screenshot
Image: Activision

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I normally try to stay pretty neutral when it comes to reporting the news. That’s the way it should be, but holy heck, this is a new low, even from the likes of Activision. In case you missed it, Activision showed off some more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gameplay during Sony’s State of Play earlier this week, which is cool, but what isn’t cool was the fine print during the video.

One mode that will be included in the upcoming game is called Special Ops Survival Mode. In it, you team up with others and fight off waves of enemies. Pretty cool, right? Well, only if you play on PlayStation 4, because it is a timed exclusive.

PlayStation 4 gets a year of exclusivity on new Special Ops Survival Mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

everyone disliked that about call of duty meme

Image: KnowYourMeme

So, yeah, basically as the header above states, not only does PlayStation get an exclusivity period (something many of us have learned to accept), but they get it for an entire freaking year. That is absolutely ridiculous and any interest I had in the title is now gone. It’s not about the mode, it’s about the principle.

I understand console exclusives (even if I don’t like them), I also understand the marketing behind limited-time exclusive content (even if I don’t like it), but keeping content from paying gamers for a year is absolutely bonkers.

It’s not like Xbox and PC gamers pay less for the game, they pay the same, but for less content. Tell me how that makes any sense. Oh, also, a new Call of Duty releases every year like clockwork, so when you finally do have the opportunity to play it, it will be time for a new COD to release.

Very cool, Activision!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases on October 25 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

What do you think? How do you feel about this exclusive content in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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