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PSA: These are the dates Amazon needs your orders in if you want them in time for the holidays

🎶 It’s the most horrible time of the year 🎶

holiday shipping schedules 2019
Image: Unsplash

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Attention Amazon shoppers: The ecommerce company has released a calendar with reminders for those who need to buy last-minute presents.

It’s a common occurrence during the holiday shopping season. Someone you know, the one who is extra busy during the holidays, will put off the buying of gifts until December 24. Then they panic and don’t know what to do. Even with the easy-to-use Amazon, this is still a recurring scenario.

But, similar to last year, Amazon has those people covered by letting them know about what dates to keep in mind.

Please make sure you get those gifts before the following dates on Amazon

amazon delivery boxes stacked on a porch

Image: Joe Rice-Jones / KnowTechie

If you are still in the market for gifts, here are the dates you need to know.

  • For Prime users, they have until December 22 to receive free two-day delivery.  They also have until December 23 to acquire free one-day shipping on “10 million items” on the site.
  • For non-Prime users, they have until December 14 for free two-day shipping on orders over $25. Those without Prime can also obtain free standard shipping until December 18.

If you still need some gift ideas, we’ve got you covered

Still looking for the perfect gift for a loved one or friend, start here:

Along with the crunch time that goes with buying presents, there are preparations for the holiday dinner. People with Amazon Prime can take advantage of free grocery delivery between 3 and 5 PM on Christmas Eve for Whole Foods orders and until 8 PM on Amazon Fresh orders.

What do you think? Are you finished with your holiday shopping or do you still need to buy things for people? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

Editors’ Recommendations:

Just a heads up, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale. Click here for more.

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I like honey roasted peanuts because they are delicious. I also like the Metal Slug games and X-Men comics because they are awesome.

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