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Twitter finally defaults to your preferred timeline on mobile

Twitter is quickly backpedaling on its default ‘For You’ tab.

twitter logo on blurred background
Image: KnowTechie

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UPDATE 2/7/2023: After rolling out an feature change on desktop to default to the last timeline you used, the update has reached Android and iOS. Now, we you close and reopen the app, you’ll be placed on the appropriate timeline (‘For You’ vs ‘Following’). The original report for desktop follows below.

Twitter is pushing out a timeline update that will help users remain on their preferred timeline even after closing the site.

When Twitter released its ‘For You’ tab to accompany the Following tab last week, many users were unhappy. Its algorithmic approach to content meant people would see many tweets from people they didn’t follow.

Now, the company has noted that Twitter for web will remember the last timeline (‘For You’ vs Following) you used, even if you close the site.

Sadly, it is only available for web users at this time, but the company notes that it will be rolling out for iOS and Android “soon.”

This isn’t the first time Twitter has tried to introduce multiple timelines for users. In 2022, the company introduced a similar tabs feature that was also met with backlash.

It only took a couple of days for the company to backpedal on that decision.

Now, we’re seeing literally the same thing play out again, but this time under the rule of Elon Musk.

In theory, an algorithmic feed that shows you content from people you may not follow is nice, but having it as the default every time you launch Twitter is messy. This update should help.

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