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Virtual storm chasers are flying into Hurricane Laura in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Players are diving nose-first into the category 4 hurricane.

microsoft flight simulator in hurricane laura
Image: Petri Levälahti / Twitter

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Microsoft Flight Simulator is a gorgeous game and because it uses real data from the world, there are plenty of amazing things to see. That data also translates to storms, something that currently has virtual storm chasers rushing to the cockpit due to Hurricane Laura.

While we don’t want to diminish the real-life severity of this storm, it has also provided an epic opportunity for players looking to fly nose-first into the category 4 hurricane.

We’ve compiled some of our favorite sights from Twitter, so if you don’t own Microsoft Flight Simulator (or if you don’t have a PC that can power the beefy game), you can live vicariously through some of the content below.

Virtual storm chasers take on Hurricane Laura

The calm above the storm

I feel like that first plane might struggle a bit

Hurricane Laura over Louisiana

The sense of enormity in this picture is amazing

You’ll need to zoom in on the picture, but check out how many people are storm chasing

And finally, a true bird’s eye view of the storm in Microsoft Flight Simulator

There you have it, an assortment of views of Hurricane Laura from the comfort of a virtual plane. With the game using real weather tracking and data, it will be interesting to see what other sights and events players check out in the future.

What do you think? Do you own Microsoft Flight Simulator? Plan on checking out Hurricane Laura? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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